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22 February 2022

Tree of Dark Matter (Part 4)

by B, L, M, P, and W

Getting started

L is leading the adventure today.

We’re continuing the Tree of Dark Matter (see also: part 3)!.

Today’s adventure

The party awakes on the outskirts of a village. They take up camp and begin to look about the area. They approach a mysterious tent in the middle of town. While Blaze is daydreaming, Delta, Angy Boy, and Apollo notice a person inside the tent. The stranger appears to be sleeping. Blaze steps on a twig, and the sound rouses the stranger and it immediately lashes out at the intruders. Apollo attempts to intimidate the person. Delta says hello. The person demands donuts. Angy Boy offers a serving a pudding. The person accepts and explains that he is an assassin for hire. He accepts Apollo’s offer of some silver and beings traveling with them. His name is unknown.

Our adventurers find a portal and they step through it. They find themselves back in the tent. If only there was some other way out of there 🤔. Angy Boy asks Unknown what they should do, and he helps them find a secret tunnel for a small fee. Ignoring Unknown’s advice, the group searches everywhere and…sometime later…Blaze finds a secret entrance.

Within the newly discovered tunnel there are six paths. They take the sixth path. They find a pack of wild dogs. Angy Boy draws his dragon slayer sword and slays an enemy. Delta attempts to tame one, but does not succeed. Apollo rushes forward eight ft1 and casts Thunderwave in a 15 foot cube from his position, unaliving the remaining foes.

The party continues exploring and they come upon a person with a knife. Apollo instructs Unknown to engage. Unknown dispatches with the person swiftly.

The group heads outside and makes camp.

Until next time…

Overheard at D&D

tags: blmpw